Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This is a photo of our first work shop having a critique with Rufino and Ramon. They will visit again this year. Very enthusiastic and extremely smart.

Been a while since I posted here, expect things to come faster and more often from here on out. One thing I thought of this AM is to suggest you carry a small flashlight. The streets are poorly lit in Havana and the flashlight will keep you from tripping on the uneven streets and also prevent you stepping in something you really don't want on your shoes or squishing between your toes if you are wearing sandals. make sure you have batteries that hold a charge for your camera and flash. Just leave them in the wrapper if you buy new ones. We just got inflatable pillows from Amazon that were fairly inexpensive, you will be glad you did if you are used to a couple of big fluffy ones at home. Don't forget some simple things for the house staff-cooks and maids of the there are 3-4 for token Christmas gifts. Real simple Dollar Store sorts of things. Hope all had a good time with finals.